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February 2017 Credit Conference

SANTA BARBARA, CA   |   February 8-10, 2017


Speakers & Presentations

Thank you to all of our speakers for their preparation and attendance at conference.  Those presentations that have been made available to us can be accessed below:

The "Nuts and Bolts" of Letters of Credit
Kevin Page, Tenaska
Moody's Rating Symbols Overview
Clifford Kim, Moody's Investors Service
Email Request Only
"Invisible Gorrillas" Risk Assessment - An Interactive Working Session
Facilitated by Louise Waterhouse, NGX and Annette Sturgill, Avangrid Renewables
The "Nitty Gritty" of Credit Reviews
Rachel Reisenauer, RMG Financial Consulting, Inc
Using PFE for Term Trading Decisions
Todd White, Roseville Electric Utility
Credit Issues Associated with Community Choice Aggregation
Deb Emerson, Sonoma Clean Power

Energy, Commodities and Blockchain
Chet Mercier & Victor Yu, Ernst & Young


Our Dedicated and Generous Sponsors

Thank you to the continued generosity of our awesome sponsors!  Please take a moment to visit their websites as a token of gratitude for the support they show our organization!


Conference Documents:



For questions or concerns, please contact:

Rachel Reisenauer
(509) 532-8896